
Showing posts from October, 2020

Arko Bose

Concrete Jungles: The new norm? We humans are busy turning the world into a noxious concrete jungle, walled on all sides, with no visible route for escape. Natural landscapes are being replaced with paved ones. Fast rising high-rises are replacing natural canopies and roads are snaking in, in place of rivers. Natural spaces are becoming optional landscaping features instead of the normal. With a rising global population, construction seems inevitable, yet amidst all this, it is possible to be clever and resourceful by shifting to sustainable and eco-friendly architectural constructions. Using new-age sustainable, organic and biodegradable construction materials can be useful from all angles. They can be easily replenish-able, repairable, cost-effective and temperature regulatory materials that do multiple jobs on their own.       In Bali, Indonesia, a company called IBUKU has been building expansive and luxurious, yet  pocket-friendly bamboo dwellings that are extremely robust and dura