Arko Bose

Concrete Jungles: The new norm?

We humans are busy turning the world into a noxious concrete jungle, walled on all sides, with no visible route for escape. Natural landscapes are being replaced with paved ones. Fast rising high-rises are replacing natural canopies and roads are snaking in, in place of rivers. Natural spaces are becoming optional landscaping features instead of the normal. With a rising global population, construction seems inevitable, yet amidst all this, it is possible to be clever and resourceful by shifting to sustainable and eco-friendly architectural constructions. Using new-age sustainable, organic and biodegradable construction materials can be useful from all angles. They can be easily replenish-able, repairable, cost-effective and temperature regulatory materials that do multiple jobs on their own.

In Bali, Indonesia, a company called IBUKU has been building expansive and luxurious, yet  pocket-friendly bamboo dwellings that are extremely robust and durable. These constructions, architecture and buildings are and should be the future for places that are suitable enough. Either way, innovation is the way forward and there are no excuses or alternatives otherwise. Sustainability is a buzzword now, it needs to become the de-facto of the future. Everyone is a beneficiary of sustainable practices and never has it been more crucial to adopt them with full steam ahead. Change is when 'Sustainable is as sustainable does.'

